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Wide variety of gas, wood, and electric fireplaces in Toronto, Ontario!

Amantii-Symmetry Series- Electric Fireplace- 50″- 60″- 74″-100″

The Symmetry Series Electric Fireplace features the multi-color Fire & Ice flame presentation and two flame patterns. Ambient canopy lighting illuminates decorative media adding another dimension […]

The Symmetry Series Electric Fireplace features the multi-color Fire & Ice flame presentation and two flame patterns. Ambient canopy lighting illuminates decorative media adding another dimension to this stunning electric fireplace. The slim design allows for versatile installation, semi-flush it or fully recess. This is one of the most versatile electric fireplaces, its perfect for a club, restaurant, house or condo.


  1. Fire & Ice Flame Presentation ( Three light strips allow for  orange, yellow,  violet, blue & rose coloured flames)
  2. Heater & Fan- Flames operate with or without heat
  3. Ambient Canopy Lighting- choose from 13 different colours of light to illuminate decorative media from above
  4. Touch Pad
  5. Remote Included
  6. Black Surround Included
  7. Log Set and Glass Media Included to Customize and Change The Look.
  8. Dark Grey and Bronze Surrounds Also Available